Legal advice

The revolution’s legitimacy

It indicates there is no law. It is the polar opposite of legality, and there is no such thing as legislation of revolutionary legitimacy in legal jurisprudence. The word revolutionary legitimacy is a gelatinous political concept that has no meaning and always arises as an exception in times of lawlessness when the public power relinquishes control over people’s rights and destinies. There are slogans and concepts that are associated with this statement, such as the slogan “purifying the public service,” which arose in the early days of the late President Nimeiri’s administration. And the empowering motto that was popular in the thirties of salvation. And now we hear about the separation of this and the appointment of the other on the same pretexts as before, with the motto of reducing empowerment. This is done without adhering to specified grounds, justifications, and legal procedures that provide the targeted individual with the ability to complain and appeal. Unfortunately, such an approach has led in the past and will certainly lead in the future to the feeling of some of the targets who do not apply the separation rules and foundations that are being created. Furthermore, such an approach may amount to a breach of fundamental civil rights, which will almost likely result in the formation of anomalous legal situations, since certain individuals may find themselves deprived of all their rights as citizens. This is owing to the fact that the right to work is one of the most well-established citizenship rights. Following such an approach without offering transparent and efficient legal channels for appeal and grievance does not contribute to the establishment of a stable society in which justice reigns and calm pillars flutter over its foundations.

Arabic version written by: Ahmed Saeed Ibrahim

Translated and Proofread by: Alaa Awadallah Mohammed Khalifa

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